Making Time For Childlike Fun

Childlike Fun

Notes From The Traveler

Create time in your schedule to have some childlike fun

It’s good to take time out of our schedules to have simple, childlike fun. Otherwise the world becomes dull and boring. Having a little bit of fun is easy, and doesn’t have to take long. Even if you only take a few minutes, it’ll be well worth it!

Childlike fun doesn’t have to take long!

  • Fly a kite on a windy day.
  • Draw in a coloring book.
  • Put together Legos into an airship and fly it around your home.
  • Skip down the street throwing your arms out wide.
  • Hula-hoop.
  • Swing on a swing-set.
  • Dance around to your favorite music, jump & twist.
  • Invite some friends over for a board game.

There’s tons of benefits!

  • Your levels of the stress hormone Cortisol will go down because you’re relaxing
  • You give your mind a chance to rest from the busy day-to-day numbing agents of taxes, 9-5 work, traffic, bills, and other worries.
  • Your endorphins will fire and your dopamine levels will fire, giving you a feeling of well-being.
  • Did I say you’re relaxing?
  • It’s healthy fun without the side effects of traditional ‘nightlife fun’ such as clothes smelling like cigarettes or a next-day headache
  • You’re doing something creative, which lends to more creative problem solving in the future.


Today it was windy outside so I took a kite and flew it, and I had so much fun! Being out in the sunshine acting like a kid again was just what I needed to make my day so much better. I hope you find something fun to do today, even if it’s only for a few minutes. You won’t regret it!

About The Author


Creator and Founder of Travel the Portal
